Different Bird Barriers for the Large Scale of Structures
Bird Barriers in Urban Environment
Bird Barrier products are diverse and they have wide application in the variety of objects. Every kind of ledges, roofs, street lights, solar panels, and billboards are surfaces that birds very much like. Most common birds in urban areas are pigeons, sparrows, woodpeckers, and crows. Ledges are places where they have a rest or gather into flocks. Different architectural ledges are favored among birds. They can observe the surroundings from there, looking for a food or socialize with other birds from the flock. Wider ledges offer them protection from predators so they feel safe. For that reason, they keep coming back. Getting rid of them is not simple. During the warm weather, they chose a shaded side while in the opposite case; they will chose the area in the sun. The best is if the bird-barriers have been applied on both sides. Bird control solutions include a wide range of barriers, from stainless steel products to the nets, and other deterrents. Visibility and durability of the bird-barrier affect the choice, especially if used on public buildings. Options vary from the low to the high profile. Some options are not implementable on the places where birds are nesting. This is the case with electrified tracks and steel spikes.

Adaptable Stainless Steel Spikes and Electrified Tracks
Stainless steel spikes on the polycarbonate base can adapt to every surface. They are available in different width and shapes. The only rule is not to apply them to places where birds are nesting. Targeted birds are pigeons and birds larger than them. The installation of this barrier is fast and simple. It can be glued or screwed to the surface. Chimneys, cameras or ledges are places where it can be used. Electrified tracks are flexible and commonly used on the wide range of architectural configuration. They come in rolls and they can curve in four directions; up and down and to sides. PVC base is UV stabilized. The installation is not a piece of cake but it is also not complicated. The total exclusion of birds is guaranteed and it is hardly noticeable without a closer look. From the distance, it is almost invisible for its low high of only 5 cm. It is important to emphasize that birds memorize periodical shock but they are not hurt. They just learn to keep the distance in long-term. Electrified bird-barrier is flexible, and it conforms to different architectural configurations. Adaptable tracks curve in the wanted direction and the stainless steel braid corresponds to the base.
Sensitivity of Birds in the Service of the Repellent

Birds are sensitive to sight, smell and touch. This sensitivity could be taken as an advantage to deter them. Optical gel bird-barrier uses multi-sensitivity of birds to create sensations that do not exist, such as fire or smoke. The smell of the peppermint oil is also something bird hate most. If birds touch the sticky optical gel, they are repelled by the unpleasant sensation. The installation of dishes to dry surface with silicone is simple, and silicone is easily removable adhesive. All bird species have been affected, and it can be implemented on the variety of surfaces, from ledges and terraces to signs and air conditioning equipment. 100% efficiency is not guaranteed. This bird-barrier uses ecological ingredients and it is safe for the environment. It is also discreet. The efficiency of dishes is estimated on 2 to 4 years.
Netting Is Efficient in Bird Protection
To select a bird deterrent solution that will be most effective in some circumstances is not easy. Bird control netting is widely applicable gaining in popularity for its 100% efficiency as bird barrier. It is suitable for urban and rural areas, in public buildings, and private properties, from crops to pools or chicken coops. It offers long-lasting and almost invisible options. In the domain of the pigeon control, it shows excellent results. Pigeons are considered as omnipresent pests. They are omnivores. They eat everything they could find, from grains to fruits and vegetables, and for that reason they are a permanent threat to your crops. In public area, they ruin the appearance of valuable cultural heritage or residential buildings. Bird-barriers stop birds from entering the space and contaminating it with their droppings. Netting is a technique that can customize to every surface or any object demanding the bird protection, whether it is semi-open or open. It targets all bird species with an excellent result. Different kinds of nets are made of the discreet plastic materials and stainless steel, and they are highly UV and water resistant.
How to Disable Birds of Taking a Grip?

Slides in the color of the structure disable birds of taking a grip. They seem like a part of the façade, and birds simply slide off the structure. This bird-barrier solution targets all kinds of birds. The installation is not complicated; it can be glued or screwed if fastened to the wooden structure. Depending on the size of the structure, it can come with extensions or it can be trimmed. UV stabilization is also one of the features.
The solutions are many but not every solution solves every problem with birds. Bird-barriers exclude pest birds at all levels of their activity. They invade crops and some predators represent a danger to poultry. In urban areas, buildings, signs, equipment connected to the façade often act like places where birds gather to observe the surroundings or just hang out with the flock. Some bird-barriers are physical deterrents while others use a different mechanism, such as optical illusions. Most important, no barrier has been made to kill birds or to harm them. They only keep birds at the safe distance from properties so they cannot make any kind of damage to your crops or other structures. It is equally important to implement them on private as well as on public property